I’d like to show news if they have the category A AND B but to NOT SHOW if the also have the category C.
Is this possible? How to configure such a combination?
Thank you!
Note: I did this on Typo3 version 4.3.5, nut sure if it works in the same way in newer versions.
A while ago, I "flexed" tt_news into a simple listing of events (a news item acted as an event) and needed a combination of categories to show on one page and another combination on a second page. As far as I remember, doing something like this is not possible with the normal tt_news content element. Instead, I did it with constructing an SQL select with TypoScript.
Add a marker where you want the content. Let's call it "newsmarker". You have to find out the IDs of the news categories A, B, C and update the "where" part accordingly. I assumed A=1, B=2, C=3. Also change pidInList to the ID of the page where your news are stored.
The output here is just the title and the formatted date with a dash in between.
markers.newsmarker = CONTENT
markers.newsmarker {
table = tt_news
select {
pidInList = 2161 # page ID where news are stored
orderBy = datetime asc
selectFields = uid, title, datetime, short, bodytext, category, tt_news_cat_mm.uid_foreign as fgnCat
leftjoin = tt_news_cat_mm ON (tt_news.uid = tt_news_cat_mm.uid_local)
where = (tt_news_cat_mm.uid_foreign = 1 AND tt_news_cat_mm.uid_foreign = 2 AND tt_news_cat_mm.uid_foreign NOT 3)
renderObj = COA
renderObj {
10 = TEXT
10.field = title
15 = TEXT
15.value = -
20 = TEXT
20.field = datetime
20.strftime = %d.%m.%y (%H.%M)