When I am trying to "Deploy Apache Hadoop" from google compute engine , i am getting a message as "Deployment would exceed CPU quota for us-central1. Limit: 8. Decrease usage, select a zone in another region, or request a quota increase." I tried with all the Zone. Its still not working.
1 Answers
If you are using the GCE Free trial, you are limited to 8 concurrent CPU cores. This is true for all regions and zones so trying in a different zone will not solve this problem.
To run a larger deployment, you need to upgrade to a paid account. Alternatively, you can use Google Cloud Dataproc or bdutil
to deploy a Hadoop cluster and choose a few, smaller instance types such that you are not using more than 8 CPU cores.
You can see how many cores are in each machine type to help you decide how to structure your cluster.