I have an Access 2010 Form that has three Combo boxes for Year
, Policy Number
, and Type_Code
. Next to those I have a policy find button, below all of these I have text boxes that will hold policy data.
When a user select the year, policy number and type code from the combo boxes, they then click on the policy find button. The policy find button then runs the below code that find the policy data for the policy that was selected in the combo boxes.
Private Sub PolSearch_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_PolSearch_Click
Dim SQL As String
Dim BD, PRC, PP, I, RFD, TAD, CPYMT, LC, PN, TYP, RY As String
PN = Me!cboPN.Value
TYP = Me!cboTYP.Value
RY = Me!cboRY.Value
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT DISTINCT GA_Loss_Credit.Billing_Date AS BD,
GA_Loss_Credit.Practice_Code as PRC, GA_Loss_Credit.producer_premium as PP,
GA_Loss_Credit.Interest as I, " & _
" GA_Loss_Credit.Refund_Amount as RFD, GA_Loss_Credit.Balance_Due as TD,
GA_Loss_Credit.Payment_Amount AS CPYMT, " & _
" GA_Loss_Credit.Loss_Credit as LC " & _
" FROM [GA_Loss_Credit] " & _
(" WHERE (([GA_Loss_Credit].REINSURANCE_YEAR) ='" & [RY] & "')
AND (([GA_Loss_Credit].POLICY_NUMBER) ='" & [PN] & "')
AND (([GA_Loss_Credit].TYPE_CODE)='" & [TYP] & "')") & _
(" ORDER BY GA_Loss_Credit.Billing_Date ;"))
While Not rs.EOF
If IsNull(BDATE.Value) Then
BDATE.Value = rs![BD]
ElseIf IsNull(BDate_2.Value) Then
BDate_2.Value = rs![BD]
ElseIf IsNull(BDate_3.Value) Then
BDate_3.Value = rs![BD]
ElseIf IsNull(BDate_4.Value) Then
BDate_4.Value = rs![BD]
ElseIf IsNull(BDate_5.Value) Then
BDate_5.Value = rs![BD]
ElseIf IsNull(BDate_6.Value) Then
BDate_6.Value = rs![BD]
ElseIf IsNull(BDate_7.Value) Then
BDate_7.Value = rs![BD]
ElseIf IsNull(BDate_8.Value) Then
BDate_8.Value = rs![BD]
ElseIf IsNull(BDate_9.Value) Then
BDate_9.Value = rs![BD]
ElseIf IsNull(BDate_10.Value) Then
BDate_10.Value = rs![BD]
End If
If IsNull(PCode_1.Value) Then
PCode_1.Value = rs![PRC]
ElseIf IsNull(PCode_2.Value) Then
PCode_2.Value = rs![PRC]
ElseIf IsNull(PCode_3.Value) Then
PCode_3.Value = rs![PRC]
ElseIf IsNull(PCode_4.Value) Then
PCode_4.Value = rs![PRC]
ElseIf IsNull(PCode_5.Value) Then
PCode_5.Value = rs![PRC]
ElseIf IsNull(PCode_6.Value) Then
PCode_6.Value = rs![PRC]
ElseIf IsNull(PCode_7.Value) Then
PCode_7.Value = rs![PRC]
ElseIf IsNull(PCode_8.Value) Then
PCode_8.Value = rs![PRC]
ElseIf IsNull(PCode_9.Value) Then
PCode_9.Value = rs![PRC]
ElseIf IsNull(PCode_10.Value) Then
PCode_10.Value = rs![PRC]
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_PolSearch_Click
End Sub
The query that is being run can bring back up to 10 records for Billing Dates
and Practice Types
The above codes works but my question is; is there a better way of doing this instead of having to write ten different IF Then Else statement.
Any help/suggestion would be greatly appreciated