
Domino server is crashing frequently and here is the nsd log. There is big xpage based application on the server and accessed by many users always. All nsd logs are having such lines common. enter image description here

Details one: enter image description here Please help.

What version of IBM Domino? and have you applied the latest fix packs?Per Henrik Lausten
Domnio version is 8.5.3 FP4Subhasish Mukhopadhyay
Does the NSF include a message like "PANIC: LookupHandle: Handle out of range"?Paul Stephen Withers
It appears to be crashing while reading a view. Have you tried running updall -R on all databases touched by your application?Richard Schwartz
Yes "PANIC: LookupHandle: Handle out of range" message is there as per comment from admin team.Subhasish Mukhopadhyay

2 Answers


Looks as if it is failing when reading view entries...

Not specific to XPages I have seen similar behaviour when there is a corrupt document in a database. So I would suggest as the very first thing that you run a fixup and compact on the database(s) with your application. If your application is fulltext-indexed I would consider deleting and regenerating the fulltext index. I have also seen crashes due to corrupt FT-indexes (though years ago).

Next, there are a couple of important Fixpacks to 8.5.3 that you should consider - I know it may not always be that easy to do - depending on your environment.

If none of that solves the issue I would:

  1. Consider ANY changes done in the environment or the application shortly before the crashes started - even though they may not seem related.
  2. Report the issue to IBM as a support incident. They do have some people that are very clever at digesting all the NSD information and put the finger on the issue.

Hope you get it solved!


PS: You should REALLY consider getting any servers running XPages up on the latest version of Domino (i.e. 9.0.1 FP3/FP4). There are MAJOR improvements - and you can use the openNTF.org Domino API to improve any Java coding you do in your XPages (and you really should use a lot of Java - instead of SSJS). Just a free advice ;-)


If you have the message "PANIC: LookupHandle: Handle out of range", you are not recycling Domino objects correctly.

  • Always recycle ViewEntry and Document within loops
  • Always recycle Name or DateTime objects created within loops
  • If the view includes dates/times in columns and you use getColumnValues(), always load the columnValues() object into a Vector variable before using it and always recycle the Vector object afterwards using the .recycle(Vector) method available on any Domino object. Never, ever use getColumnValues(0) unless the view does not contain DateTimes and never will. Any call to getColumnValues() extracts all the columns and, for dates/times, creates a DateTime object which is a child of the Session, not of the ViewEntry. So recycling the ViewEntry has no effect on the DateTime.

John's two other suggestions will probably also help. OpenNTF Domino API always recycles, so you don't have to, so you cannot get this kind of crash. Later versions of Domino increase the number of handles available, so the chances of getting this crash are minimised.