I'm trying to create some spell than can be used by both the Player & the Enemies. So, I've created a script "BasicAttack" as you can see below.
public class BasicAttak : Spell {
public int dmg = 2;
public float speed = 10.0f;
public Rigidbody projectile;
private float currentCooldown = 0.0f;
void Awake()
currentCooldown = 0.0f;
public override bool launch(Vector3 launcherPosition, Vector3 targetPosition)
Debug.Log("Launch Basic Attack, cooldown = " + this.currentCooldown + " - if = " + (this.currentCooldown <= 0.0f) );
if (this.currentCooldown <= 0.0f) {
if (projectile == null)
return (false);
Quaternion r = Quaternion.LookRotation (targetPosition - launcherPosition);
Rigidbody shot = Instantiate (projectile, launcherPosition, r) as Rigidbody;
ProjectileScript a = shot.GetComponent<ProjectileScript>();
a.damage = this.dmg;
a.speed = this.speed;
this.currentCooldown = this.cooldown;
return (true);
return (false);
void Update()
if (this.currentCooldown > 0.0f)
this.currentCooldown -= Time.deltaTime;
Debug.Log("currentCooldown = "+currentCooldown);
Because I want to use this script to create different type of spell (using the damage and speed parameter), I've create some GameObject, one for each spell.
I've assigned my script to each Gameobject and set different values to each variables.
Then, once everything configured, I've created prefabs for those spells like this one:
Everything seems fine so far. So, I've assigned my prefab to the player spell slot, I've launched the game and I've tried to launch a spell.
The very first spell is working but, for the second spell, the variable currentCooldown
is never reset.
Here is what I get in the console.
Launch Basic Attack, cooldown = 0.5 - if = False
UnityEngine.Debug:Internal_Log(Int32, String, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) BasicAttak:launch(Vector3, Vector3) (at Assets\MyAsset\Scripts\Spell\BasicAttak.cs:18) ACharacter:LaunchSpell(Int32) (at Assets\MyAsset\Scripts\ACharacter.cs:70) Player:FixedUpdate() (at Assets\MyAsset\Scripts\Player.cs:20) (Filename: Assets/MyAsset/Scripts/Spell/BasicAttak.cs Line: 18)
currentCooldown = 0
UnityEngine.Debug:Internal_Log(Int32, String, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) BasicAttak:Update() (at Assets\MyAsset\Scripts\Spell\BasicAttak.cs:42)
At exactly the same frame, the currentCooldown variable is displayed at 0.5 in the launch function and at 0 in the update function. When it's the same variable in the exact same script in one prefab.
If I want to launch another spell, I can't just stop and play the game again. I have to relaunch Unity just to have my first spell launched.
It seems quite mystical to me, and I'm not even sure which question to ask. How can I do to have the same value for my variable ?
Note: If, instead of assigning a prefab to my player spell slot, I assign a GameObject from the scene, this problem doesn't occur. But, I can't really use this "solution" because I have to create one GameObject for each enemy that will also use the spell. Which mean that if I have 786 enemy, I need to create 786 GameObject and assign the spell manually to each enemy.