
I have a large Hive table partitioned by date, and I'm trying to setup an Oozie workflow that runs a process on the most recent partition. Each time the ETL job runs a new folder is created. The directory structure looks like this:


On my home/lab cluster, running Hive 1.1.0-cdh5.4.4, I'm able to use the max aggregate function in a subquery to filter for the most recent days data:

from my_transactions
inner join (select max(date) as max_date from my_transactions) max_date
on date = max_date

The results are returned pretty quickly.

In our work environment, running Hive 0.13.0-mapr-1501 on a much larger dataset with beefier hardware, the same query attempts to execute in multiple stages and eventually throws a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space.

If I replace the subquery with a literal, i.e. WHERE date = '20150813' instead of the aggregation and the inner join, it executes really quickly. With the aggregation/subquery it seems like, instead of using the partitions to reduce the amount of IO, it's attempting to scan all the partitions.

Is there a better way to write this query (e.g. possibly query the Hive metadata to get the max(date) of the partitioned column)?


2 Answers


Did you run an EXPLAIN on your query, to understand how Hive tries to translate that JOIN into sub-tasks?

All right, EXPLAIN output is a dirty mess, but I suspect that it would show an awkward query plan such as...

  • dumping the entire left-side table into the RAM (i.e. a Java HashMap) of each Mapper
  • then reading sequentially the result of the right-side subquery (1 record) to match each record against the HashMap

It would be typical of a MAPJOIN in the wrong order. So, what about replacing that dummy JOIN with a more explicit WHERE IN (subquery) that is supported at last in Hive 0.13?

Bottom line: the Hive query optimizer is still a crude and vicious beast. In many cases you have to steer it to the "correct" query plan.


This query gives the max(partitioned column) without scanning the entire table.

hive -e "set hive.cli.print.header=false;show partitions table_name;" | tail -1 | cut -d'=' -f2