I am starting to delve into BGL, which looks wonderful but which I do find pretty hard to use.
Things are starting to get more clear to me as I play around with this graph example. But I am now facing a problem: an edge from my graph cannot be removed after a vertex has been removed. And this seems to invalidate my understanding of BGL so far :(
Here is the shortest code I have to make the problem clearly appear.
(I identified vertices with integers [1..5] and edges with letters [a..g])
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
using namespace boost;
// TL;DR : Skip to the end of `main()` where the real problem is
// lazy iterate over the graph: // {{{
#define VERTEXITERATE(nameV, graph, ...) \
{ \
auto GRAPHITERATOR(vertices(graph)); \
auto& nameV(GRAPHITERATOR.first); \
__VA_ARGS__ \
} \
#define EDGEITERATE(nameE, graph, ...) \
{ \
auto GRAPHITERATOR(edges(graph)); \
auto& nameE(GRAPHITERATOR.first); \
__VA_ARGS__ \
} \
// }}}
// Properties of the graph // {{{
struct VertexProperties {
VertexProperties() : id(0) {};
VertexProperties(int id) : id(id) {};
int id;
struct EdgeProperties {
EdgeProperties() : id(0) {};
EdgeProperties(char id) : id(id) {};
char id;
struct GraphProperties {
GraphProperties() : id(0) {};
GraphProperties(std::string id) : id(id) {};
std::string id;
// }}}
// Type definitions // {{{
typedef adjacency_list<
hash_setS // vecS would allow parallel edges, which I don't want.
, vecS
, bidirectionalS
, VertexProperties
, EdgeProperties
, GraphProperties
> Graph;
typedef graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
typedef graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor Edge;
// }}}
// Glance at the state of the graph
void printGraph(Graph const& g) { // {{{
// Print graph properties
std::cout << get_property(g).id << " : |V| = " << num_vertices(g);
std::cout << ", |E| = " << num_edges(g) << std::endl;
std::cout << "vertices: " << std::endl;
Vertex vertex(*v);
std::cout << g[vertex].id << " :";
std::cout << " in " << in_degree(vertex, g);
std::cout << ", out " << out_degree(vertex, g);
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "edges: " << std::endl;
Edge edge(*e);
std::cout << g[edge].id << " :";
std::cout << g[source(edge, g)].id << " \u2192 ";
std::cout << g[target(edge, g)].id;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
// }}}
int main() {
// Build the graph
Graph g(GraphProperties("Graph"));
const int nV(5); // number of vertices
const int nE(7); // number of edges
std::cout << "Created." << std::endl;
// should be empty:
// Vertices
std::array<Vertex, nV> V;
int vId(0);
for (Vertex& v : V)
v = add_vertex(VertexProperties(++vId), g);
// Edges
typedef struct { // store here everything we need to define an edge:
Vertex source, target;
EdgeProperties props;
} BuildEdge;
std::array<BuildEdge, nE> builds { {
{V[0], V[1], 'a'} // define the graph topology in this initializer
, {V[0], V[2], 'b'}
, {V[0], V[3], 'c'}
, {V[2], V[3], 'd'}
, {V[1], V[4], 'e'}
, {V[2], V[4], 'f'}
, {V[3], V[4], 'g'}
for(auto p : builds)
add_edge(p.source, p.target, p.props, g);
// See what happened:
std::cout << "Filled up." << std::endl;
printGraph(g); // ok.
// HERE is the interesting part :
// remove an edge by its vertices:
std::array<Vertex, 2> toRemove {{V[0], V[1]}};
remove_edge(toRemove[0], toRemove[1], g);
std::cout << "Edge removed." << std::endl;
printGraph(g); // ok.
// remove a vertex:
toRemove[0] = V[3];
clear_vertex(toRemove[0], g);
remove_vertex(toRemove[0], g);
std::cout << "Vertex removed" << std::endl;
printGraph(g); // success.
// remove another vertex:
toRemove = {{ V[2], V[4] }};
remove_edge(toRemove[0], toRemove[1], g);
std::cout << "Edge removed." << std::endl;
printGraph(g); // FAIL!
// Why does this fail?
// Is `V` outdated after a call to remove_edge?
Why does the last removal not happen? Of course, deleting the intermediate block (i.e. keeping the fourth vertex) will allow the edge to be correctly removed.
I am aware that removing an edge after one of its bound vertices has been removed does not make much sense, but this is precisely not the case here.
I think you may be interested in the iteration macros provided by the library. Sadly I think they are undocumented but here you can find an overview. – llonesmiz