
I am starting to delve into BGL, which looks wonderful but which I do find pretty hard to use.

Things are starting to get more clear to me as I play around with this graph example. But I am now facing a problem: an edge from my graph cannot be removed after a vertex has been removed. And this seems to invalidate my understanding of BGL so far :(

Here is the shortest code I have to make the problem clearly appear.

(I identified vertices with integers [1..5] and edges with letters [a..g])

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>

using namespace boost;

// TL;DR : Skip to the end of `main()` where the real problem is

// lazy iterate over the graph: // {{{
#define VERTEXITERATE(nameV, graph, ...)                                       \
    {                                                                          \
    auto GRAPHITERATOR(vertices(graph));                                       \
    auto& nameV(GRAPHITERATOR.first);                                          \
    for(; GRAPHITERATOR.first != GRAPHITERATOR.second; ++GRAPHITERATOR.first) {\
        __VA_ARGS__                                                            \
    }                                                                          \
#define EDGEITERATE(nameE, graph, ...)                                         \
    {                                                                          \
    auto GRAPHITERATOR(edges(graph));                                          \
    auto& nameE(GRAPHITERATOR.first);                                          \
    for(; GRAPHITERATOR.first != GRAPHITERATOR.second; ++GRAPHITERATOR.first) {\
        __VA_ARGS__                                                            \
    }                                                                          \
    // }}}

// Properties of the graph // {{{
struct VertexProperties {
    VertexProperties() : id(0) {};
    VertexProperties(int id) : id(id) {};
    int id;
struct EdgeProperties {
    EdgeProperties() : id(0) {};
    EdgeProperties(char id) : id(id) {};
    char id;
struct GraphProperties {
    GraphProperties() : id(0) {};
    GraphProperties(std::string id) : id(id) {};
    std::string id;
// }}}

// Type definitions // {{{
typedef adjacency_list<
      hash_setS // vecS would allow parallel edges, which I don't want.
    , vecS
    , bidirectionalS
    , VertexProperties
    , EdgeProperties
    , GraphProperties
    > Graph;
typedef graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
typedef graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor Edge;
// }}}

// Glance at the state of the graph
void printGraph(Graph const& g) { // {{{
    // Print graph properties
    std::cout << get_property(g).id << " : |V| = " << num_vertices(g);
    std::cout << ", |E| =  " << num_edges(g) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "vertices: " << std::endl;
            Vertex vertex(*v);
            std::cout << g[vertex].id << " :";
            std::cout << " in " << in_degree(vertex, g);
            std::cout << ", out " << out_degree(vertex, g);
            std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "edges: " << std::endl;
            Edge edge(*e);
            std::cout << g[edge].id << " :";
            std::cout << g[source(edge, g)].id << " \u2192 ";
            std::cout << g[target(edge, g)].id;
            std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;
// }}}

int main() {

    // Build the graph
    Graph g(GraphProperties("Graph"));
    const int nV(5); // number of vertices
    const int nE(7); // number of edges
    std::cout << "Created." << std::endl;
    // should be empty:

    // Vertices
    std::array<Vertex, nV> V;
    int vId(0);
    for (Vertex& v : V)
        v = add_vertex(VertexProperties(++vId), g);

    // Edges
    typedef struct {         // store here everything we need to define an edge:
        Vertex source, target;
        EdgeProperties props;
    } BuildEdge;
    std::array<BuildEdge, nE> builds { {
           {V[0], V[1], 'a'} // define the graph topology in this initializer
        ,  {V[0], V[2], 'b'}
        ,  {V[0], V[3], 'c'}
        ,  {V[2], V[3], 'd'}
        ,  {V[1], V[4], 'e'}
        ,  {V[2], V[4], 'f'}
        ,  {V[3], V[4], 'g'}
    for(auto p : builds)
        add_edge(p.source, p.target, p.props, g);

    // See what happened:
    std::cout << "Filled up." << std::endl;
    printGraph(g); // ok.

    // HERE is the interesting part :
    // remove an edge by its vertices:
    std::array<Vertex, 2> toRemove {{V[0], V[1]}};
    remove_edge(toRemove[0], toRemove[1], g);
    std::cout << "Edge removed." << std::endl;
    printGraph(g); // ok.

    // remove a vertex:
    toRemove[0] = V[3];
    clear_vertex(toRemove[0], g);
    remove_vertex(toRemove[0], g);
    std::cout << "Vertex removed" << std::endl;
    printGraph(g); // success.

    // remove another vertex:
    toRemove = {{ V[2], V[4] }};
    remove_edge(toRemove[0], toRemove[1], g);
    std::cout << "Edge removed." << std::endl;
    printGraph(g); // FAIL!

    // Why does this fail?
    // Is `V` outdated after a call to remove_edge?

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


Why does the last removal not happen? Of course, deleting the intermediate block (i.e. keeping the fourth vertex) will allow the edge to be correctly removed.

I am aware that removing an edge after one of its bound vertices has been removed does not make much sense, but this is precisely not the case here.

Unrelated to your question, but looking at your (VERTEX/EDGE)ITERATE I think you may be interested in the iteration macros provided by the library. Sadly I think they are undocumented but here you can find an overview.llonesmiz

1 Answers


Wop! `just found a really interesting page on this topic. This is the official Boost documentation.

Defining an adjacency_list with VertexList = vecS causes all vertex descriptors to be invalidated by a call to remove_vertex. Choosing another data structure such as hash_setS will keep them valid.

Therefore: rewriting the typedef:

typedef adjacency_list<
      hash_setS // vecS would allow parallel edges, which I don't want.
    , hash_setS // vecS would make the descriptor invalid on graph change
    , bidirectionalS
    , VertexProperties
    , EdgeProperties
    , GraphProperties
    > Graph;

solves the problem.

Not only does it do so, but it also affect other properties of the adjacency_list such as the underlying algorithms complexity. This still looks quite intricate to me as I am new to BGL, but see the docs. :)