I am trying to create the following layout with a NSTableView:
A big banner per section on the side and regular text content rows on the right side.
The Image on the left side is the problem. It should behave like a floating section when scrolling (stay below the section header). It seems impossible to have the view part of the NSTableView as each column of a row needs to have the same height.
I already tried a lot of things, but I need some input which is the right direction.
What I tried:
- Add the image view as a floating view into the NSScrollView? That seems like a good approach, but it doesn't stick on top while scrolling and the (re)positioning within the table is... tricky. Any hints here?
- Add the view into the section header and disable clipping somehow (to make them larger than the section)? Couldn't make that work.
- Having a table with NSStackViews per row that host itself tables - that did work, but: Independent selections per table is not what I want.