
I am using QUECTEL M95 modem to connect the server using gprs . And the modem has facility to send and receive test messages .In my project both the situation occurs . By default in programming ip address been set, but there are chances for updating the ip address by sms . Wheather it is possible to send sms during gprs mode? If possible how ? Please suggest me how to do.

A while ago I compiled a list of basic commands to start with for Quectel modules: Quectel Module Quickstart GuideGabriel Cséfalvay

2 Answers


Yes, you can do it. If you are using Transparent mode (AT+QIMODE=1) you need to switch to Normal mode (AT+QIMODE=0) and you can send SMS using AT+CMGS regardless of active gprs connection.


You have to use the normal command mode (not to switch to transparent mode).

  • AT+QINDI=1 - to receive data with poll command
  • AT+QIRD - poll received data
  • AT+QISEND - send data
  • AT+CMGS - send SMS
  • AT+CMGL="REC UNREAD" - poll new messages