
I have generated a specific report in Google Analytics site.


This report makes reference to the most visited content of the site, you can do this by accessing the following section:

Reporting > Behavior > Site Content > All pages

And setting up the metrics to Pageviews

However I've got problems by generating this report through the API. How can I get the same results by making a call to the Google Analytics-API?

In Java should be something like this:

private static GaData getResults(Analytics analytics, String profileId) throws IOException {
    // Query the Core Reporting API for the number of page views
    // in the past seven days.
    return analytics.data().ga()
            .get("ga:" + profileId, "7daysAgo", "today", "ga:pageviews")

But I don't know how to define the desired behavior stated above, any ideas?


1 Answers


You should review the full list of dimensions and metrics and decide what combination of information you are trying to request. in your case probably the metric ga:pageviews and the dimension ga:pagePath. the Core reporting developer guides gives several examples of making requests for dimensions and metrics.

    .get(tableId,                  // Table Id.
        "2012-01-01",              // Start date.
        "2012-01-15",              // End date.
        "ga:pageviews")            // Metrics.

Here is the specific Java reference doc to the method you are trying to call.