The Auth0 team created something called "angular-jwt" which has a jwtHelper class. This thing successfully decodes a local JWT without the secret I used on the server. How did this happen? If they are not secure, then what is the point of using a secret to sign/encrypt them?
Function on the server that encrypts the token (using "jsonwebtoken"):
function createToken (user) {
return jwt.sign(_.omit(user, 'password'), config.secret, { expiresInMinutes: 60*5 });
Code from the client:
.module('sample.home', [
.config(function ($stateProvider) {
.state('home', {
url: '/',
controller: 'HomeCtrl',
templateUrl: 'modules/home/home.html',
data: { requiresLogin: true }
.controller('HomeCtrl', function homeController ($scope, $http, store, jwtHelper) {
$scope.jwt = store.get('jwt');
$scope.decodedJwt = $scope.jwt && jwtHelper.decodeToken($scope.jwt);
Here's a link to the full example: