I created a view with a page display and a block display.
(1) The page view displays several content "A" with a pager (one full content by "page of pager"). ( in drupalsite/myview )
(2) The block shows the liste of content "A". (put in drupalsite/myview )
This is very simply.
Now I have my page (drupalsite/myview) with : the block view (1) and the view pager (2). When I click on a number X of the pager widget, the view display the content number X (drupalsite/myview?page=X) but when I click on one content in the block view the page load (goto drupalsite/node/X) and display only the content (there is no longer the view with the pager)
How can I do that ? If I click on the item in the block view, the user isn't redirected to the node page. Instead, the view pager refresh, I mean :
In the block view, I click on a item, I go to drupal/myview?page=X (not drupalsite/node/X). The view module can manage that or I must create a custom module ?