
I'm trying to get entity from Google DataStore using Admin Console. I use SELECT * FROM User where __key__ = KEY('ag9wYWdhbGd1eS1zdGF0aWNyHAsSBUNhY2hlIhEvYnV0dG9ucy9lZGl0LmdpZgw'). In accordance with GQL docs it should work

KEY('encoded key')


KEY('kind','name'/ID [, 'kind', 'name'/ID...])

but I'm getting

GQL query error ... Encountered "\'ag9wYWdhbGd1eS1zdGF0aWNyHAsSBUNhY2hlIhEvYnV0dG9ucy9lZGl0LmdpZgw\'" at line 1, column 40. 
Was expecting one of: <UNQUOTED_NAME> ... <QUOTED_NAME> ...

But the request SELECT * FROM User where __key__ = KEY(User, 5126463837700096) works fine.

How can I get the entity using string-encoded key?

Have you checked that it is a valid encoded key ?Tim Hoffman
Yes, I'm using the valid one. Anyway I think it should return the empty row but not the error.Pavel Bunygin
What throws me is the error. Specifically Encountered "\'a it's escaping the quote character with \. Are you sure the 'quote character your using is valid ?Tim Hoffman
Yes. I tried double quotes, copied quote character, etc...Pavel Bunygin
It seems that the parser always expect 2 \ 4 \ 6 parameters for the KEY function and the first one must be without quotes. So the KEY function in console doesn't work with string-encoded key now. It is shame that I cannot find in the console an entity by string-encoded key that used as reference from another entity.Pavel Bunygin

1 Answers


The Cloud Datastore GQL doesn't support getting KEY from string-encoded key.