
In WSO2 ESB, What does it show exactly the wso2-esb-trace.log file?, When might it be useful?

And, What the different with other typical logs files in WSO2 ESB? For example, with wso2-esb-service.log or wso2-esb-error.log

In that article, the author doesn't know what info appear in wso2-esb-trace.log. I need to know exactly this info.Sergio Rodríguez Calvo

1 Answers


It offers you a way to monitor a mediation execution : go to the web console, enable tracing on a sequence or a proxy service, execute this mediation (send a message to the proxy for exemple) and look at "mediation tracer" or edit wso2-esb-trace.log to gain details about it's execution (mediatiors that have been called, evaluation of xpath expressions, ...)