I'am using gdcm (nuget gdcm-sharp 2.4.4) library to get image and patient data from *.dcm files. All was fine on files with photometric interpretation MONOCHROME2, but then i got some files with MONOCHROME1 and about 30% of them were with a weird bug: images where "sliced" diagonally and i can't find why. Links to samples:incorrect image, correct image
Every row of pixels has offset of row number... easy to correct, but i don't know which file needs correction.
Question is: how to tell wich file needs to be corrected, dcm tags are same, the only thing that is different in .dcm files are image dimensions and pixel data ofc...
One more thing... any other soft i tried to view those images render them correctly.
Some code to show what is done
// pixel data copied to WriteableBitmap then saved by JpegBitmapEncoder
var reader = new gdcm.ImageReader();
var gimg = reader.GetImage();
WriteableBitmap wb = new WriteableBitmap((int)cols, (int)rows, 120, 120, PixelFormats.Gray16, null);
Marshal.Copy(buff, 0, wb.BackBuffer, buff.Length);
using (var ms2 = new MemoryStream())
JpegBitmapEncoder enc = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
enc.QualityLevel = 95;
jpegfile = ms2.GetBuffer();