
I would like have AHK code which can allow open Explorer with the active microsoft word file selected. Word seem to be does not have a command allowing direrctly to get path of currently opened file. However in word select document location allows to display and select the full path of currently opened file. Later I tried following AHK code to select the file in explorer.

#If WinActive("ahk_class OpusApp")
;In word highlight the document location box
send ^c ; copy the file path from document location
run explorer.exe /select, "%clipboard%

So far no luck, it just open the explorer, does not select the file as intended.


2 Answers


I think you're going about this the wrong way. Write a small VBA macro which you can store in your Normal template.

Microsoft Word VBA has ActiveDocument.Path and ActiveDocument.Name which can be concatenated with a \ between to get a full document name including its path.


To retrieve the Full File Path and Name of an Open and Active Word Document in AutoHotkey using Component Object Model use the code below:

ActiveFileFullName := ComObjActive("Word.Application").ActiveDocument.FullName

Further reading @ MSDN on FullName

Additionally here is the Code you seek, in AutoHotkey using COM.

Press F1 -> Retrieve the Open Word Document Path and Filename -> Open Explorer -> Navigate to Folder -> Select the File

;Press F1 while MicroSoft Word is open.  
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#IfWinExist, ahk_class OpusApp 
        ActiveDocumentFile := ComObjActive("Word.Application").ActiveDocument.FullName
        SplitPath, ActiveDocumentFile, FileName, FolderPath
        RunWait, Explorer
        sleep 100
        WinActivate, ahk_class CabinetWClass
        WinWaitActive, ahk_class CabinetWClass
        sleep 100
        Explorer_NavSelect(FolderPath, FileName)

Explorer_NavSelect(Path, File,  hwnd="") {  
    hwnd := (hwnd="") ? WinExist("A") : hwnd 
    WinGet, ProcessName, ProcessName, % "ahk_id " hwnd
    if (ProcessName != "explorer.exe")  
    For pExp in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
        if (pExp.hwnd = hwnd) { ; matching window found
            pExp.Navigate("file:///" Path) ; Navigate to folder
            sleep 100
            pExp.Document.SelectItem(File, 1 8 16) ; Select our File

Read more about SelectItem on MSDN.