I am trying to understand this piece of code, What I am not able to understand is how the interrupt routine works as the OCR1A is getting updated. I am using AVR series of controller to run this code.
void TimerInit(void)
DISABLE_TIMER_INT; // Disable timer interrupt
m_nGlobalTime = 0; // Reset system time
OCR1A += TICKS_PER_MSECOND; // Set first clock period
TCCR1A = 0;// Set TimerMode to Normal
TCCR1B |= (1 << CS10);// ClckIo, no pre-scaler; set TimerMode
ENABLE_TIMER_INT;// Enable send timer interrupt (1 ms)
uint16_t nTemp;
nTemp = TCNT1; // Get current time
nTemp -= OCR1A; // Subtract interrupt time
if (nTemp < (TICKS_PER_MSECOND / 2))// If more than half period left
OCR1A += (TICKS_PER_MSECOND);// Add Offset to OCR1A relative
OCR1A = TCNT1 + (TICKS_PER_MSECOND);// Set OCR1A to 1 ms absolute