
MYSQL service interupted the color of wamp icon turning from orange to green, in menu when i click mysql.log file it says cant find mysql.log.How to fix this? How i can start this service it is really frustrating please help me?

Your question is REALLY unclear. Please edit your question and make it plain what actually is happening.RiggsFolly
Look at the Windows Event Viewer for Error messages from Apache or MYSQLRiggsFolly
Do yo have a Service called wampmysqld or wampmysqld64 when you look at the services snapin?RiggsFolly
yes when i look into the service snapin i have this service wampmysqld64 but its status is empty but wampapache service has running status. So, how to make wampmysql64 service run?sony
look when i try to start this service it popped an Error:1067 msg which says the process terminated unexpectedly. Now what should i do?sony

1 Answers


This is a problem of WAMPServers MYSQL finding old my.ini files left on the system by other attempts to install MYSQL manually.

If you try to install MYSQL manually specifically if you use the .msi install or the MYSQL Workbench install that comes with a copy of MYSQL Server, it puts the my.ini into \windows\system32. This is one of the folders that MYSQL searches for its my.ini file, prior to searching its own bin folder.

WAMPServer is very tidy and does not place any of its files outside the \wamp\ folder structure, this is so you can switch versions of MYSQL, which is one of its big benefits, so it i safe to delete these other .my.ini files.