I was able to do what I'm goin to describe in Fuse 6.1 but now in Fuse 6.2 I get an exception and it is not working anymore.
By following a tutorial, I build a "multi module" project that has a features component in order to install all the needed bundles.
I'm working on a fabric container with a child container.
I create a new profile and then from hawtio console I try to add the feature repository. (BTW I have the same problem if I use the terminal console)
The feature repository is added correctly (that's what fuse says at least) but when I enter the page to add any feature I see this in the log:
org.eclipse.aether.resolution.ArtifactResolutionException: Could not find artifact it.mytria.demo:esercizio1-feature:xml:features:1.0.0 in karaf-default (file:C:/servers/fuse/system/)
Of course, it is right, since I never installed the bundle in that folder, but I have it in my local .m2/repository
Now, the question is, has anyone ever installed a custom feature in Jboss 6.2 and can help me get out from this situation?
The only solution I found is to manually copy the feature and all the custom bundled indicated by the feature in the "/system" folder, but I never had to do this in Fuse 6.1 so I don't like this solution at all.
Other thing, there is a conf file in Fuse 6.2 that has changed from Fuse 6.1, C:\servers\fuse\etc\io.fabric8.maven.cfg
and it is the only file I found pointing to the system folder... but I'm afraid that if I add the .m2
folder here then Fuse will try to search there any bundle even those that has to be really taken from system
So far I haven't find any other difference in the config file about maven repository.
There is any good guy out there that know how to make this thing work?
Please, if I missed some important information, let me know, I'll try my best to complete the question.
Thank you very much.