I have created a C++ Test Project for my C++ library in Visual Studio 2010. The test project uses C++/CLI (/clr set) and I am having problems retrieving the last error set by my library functions; GetLastError always returns zero.
In the example below I want to test that the correct return value and last error is set by my Write function:
void Write_InvalidHandle_Error()
char buffer[] = "Hello";
DWORD actual = -1;
int actualRetVal = 0;
int expectedRetVal = -1;
actualRetVal = Write(handle, buffer);
actual = GetLastError();
Assert::AreEqual(expectedRetVal, actualRetVal);
Assert::AreEqual(expected, actual);
I have checked my Write function and it does set the correct return value and last error but the latter is not retrieved in my test method. Even when I change the Write function to just set the error and return the problem occurs (and I call no other function before calling GetLastError in my test method):
int Write(HANDLE h, const char* buf)
return -1;
Any idea how I can fix this? I assume there is a problem with C++/CLI because when I use my library outside of this testing scenario (pure C++) GetLastError works.