I'm using the Office365 as described in the documenation website to get a user's calendars from Office365 account, but getting a 404 error instead:
"GET /api/v1.0/Me/Calendars HTTP/1.1" 404
The user has authorized access and I've managed to receive his personal details one request before.
The scopes I have authorized are Calendars.Read Calendars.ReadWrite UserProfile.Read
The access token response contains the endpoint URL and it's the one I'm using:
'Calendar_api_endpoint': u'https://outlook.office365.com/api/v1.0'
For most of the users, this operations works flawlessly. But for some it fails without any more information.
In case an Office365 engineer sees this, here are the request IDs and time (UTC):2015-08-06 07:58:10.824550: Request id 2d3238e3-e3a6-436a-a2a6-5abb1f693e65 completed. Server id: 4c645b19-4a64-4203-8af5-7b4960f10593, Status: 404