I can't find child objects of current gameobject(which is Prefab I've got parent gameobject(it's creating from prefab in another script), and has 2 children. The hierarchy is like:
----RewardName(Has Text component).
----Image(Has SpriteRenderer component).
void Start ()
if (RewardText == null)
RewardText = this.GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
if (RewardText == null)
Debug.Log("RewardText == null");
RewardText.text = _text;
if (RewardImage == null)
RewardImage = this.GetComponentInChildren<Image>();
if (RewardImage == null)
Debug.Log("RewardImage == null");
RewardImage.sprite = Reward.LoadRewardSprite(RewardImageProp);
But before this, as I said, this gameobject is created from another script:
var go = new GameObject(reward.Name, typeof(RewardProfileView));
go.GetComponent<RewardProfileView>().RewardItem = reward;
The 'RewardItem' property is Reward class property:
public Reward RewardItem
get { return _reward; }
if (value != null)
_reward = value;
RewardTextProp = _reward.Name;
RewardImageProp = _reward.Name;
_reward = null;
RewardTextProp and RewardImageProp are just string fields.
NOTE: Need to make ability to set children properties of dynamicaly created prefab item.