
I´m experimenting with the new support for crosswalk webview using Phonegap Build but run into some problem using window.open()

Info about the new cordova and crosswalk support http://phonegap.com/blog/2015/06/16/phonegap-updated-on-build/

My config.xml

    <preference name='phonegap-version' value='cli-5.1.1' />
    <gap:plugin name='org.crosswalk.engine' version='1.3.0' source='pgb' />
    <access origin="*" />

I am trying these javascript calls:

var ref = window.open('http://apache.org');  //Loads in the webview
var ref = window.open('http://apache.org', '_blank');  //Loads in the InAppBrowser

Javascript "syntax" from here: https://wiki.apache.org/cordova/InAppBrowser

Result: Nothing happens at all.. (It works great when I´m building my project without the new cordova and crosswalk).

When building in Phonegap build with the new cordova/crosswalk:

PhoneGap (iOS / Android / Windows) cli-5.1.1 (3.8.0 / 4.0.2 / 3.8.1)

When building without:

PhoneGap (iOS / Android / Windows) 3.7.0 / 3.7.0 / 3.7.0

(My test device is an Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 running 4.4.4)

Where is your "white-list"? and your "white-list" plugin?user3255670
The <access origin="*" /> is suppose to be my whitelist. I have tried both with and without. According to this URL, Cordova's default security policy allows access to any site. docs.phonegap.com/en/4.0.0/guide_appdev_whitelist_index.md.html .Also as mentioned, my "test-app" works fine in default mode (version 3.7.0) Thank you for your reply.Mikael Berntsson

1 Answers


@Mikael, it appears to be true that people only read what they want to read.

I asked, do you have:

  1. a white-list
  2. the white-list plugin

You said, "yes, I have a white-list". Where is your plugin? Did you read that part?

This is an "official" forum post, not blog, but forum post. Please read.
Notes for upgrading to cli-5.1.1 on PGB

Best of Luck,