I have a problem creating a loop in Stata.
I have a dataset in Stata where I classified my observations into 6 categories via variable k10. So k10 takes on values 1,2,3,4,5,6. Now I want to assign each observation one value according to its class:
value 15 for k10=1
value 10 for k10=2
value 8 for k10=3
value 5 for k10=4
value 4 for k10=5
value 2 for k10=6
It is easy if I create a new variable w10 and do it like the following:
gen w10 =.
replace w10 = 15 if k10==1
replace w10 = 10 if k10==2
replace w10 = 8 if k10==3
replace w10 = 5 if k10==4
replace w10 = 4 if k10==5
replace w10 = 2 if k10==6
Now I tried to simplify the code by using a loop, unfortunately it does not do what I want to achieve.
My loop:
gen w10=.
local A "1 2 3 4 5 6"
local B "15 10 8 5 4 2"
foreach y of local A {
foreach x of local B {
replace w10 = `x' if k10= `y'
The loop assigns value 2 to each observation though. The reason is that the if-condition k10=`y' is always true and overwrites the replaced w10s each time until the end, right?
So how can I write the loop correctly?