I have the following configuration in by conf/activemq.xml file
<redeliveryPlugin fallbackToDeadLetter="true" sendToDlqIfMaxRetriesExceeded="true">
<redeliveryPolicy maximumRedeliveries="20" useExponentialBackOff="true" initialRedeliveryDelay="60000" redeliveryDelay="60000" maximumRedeliveryDelay="600000"/>
I am using activemq-5.11 with Spring/JMS/Camel/JTA (Atomikos).
Because, I am using JTA/XA transactions, the redelivery policy at the activeMQ connection factory is not working for topics. So I am trying to set the redelivery Policy on the server.
However, it seems to be continuously resending the topic message.
PS. I have only one subscriber (durable).