I am using the Marketing API, the Insights Edge specifically, to retrieve the data of our campaigns.
The problem is that I do not see the field for knowing how many app installs the ad has generated.
I see "clicks, impressions, reach" fields but nothing about the number of downloads from the stores.
Is there a way to know that? This is available in the Facebook Ads dashboard but I do not see any way to get that value from the API.
Thanks for any help!!
require_once(__DIR__ . "/config/config.php");
include_once(__DIR__ . "/inc/helpers.php");
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use FacebookAds\Api;
use FacebookAds\Object\AdAccount;
use FacebookAds\Object\AdCampaign;
use FacebookAds\Object\Values\InsightsPresets;
$access_token = readFromFile(__DIR__ . "/auth/token.txt");
// Initialize a new Session and instanciate an Api object
Api::init($app_id, $app_secret, $access_token);
// The Api object is now available trough singleton
$api = Api::instance();
$account = new AdAccount('act_' . $ads_account_id);
$campaigns = $account->getAdCampaigns(array(
foreach ($campaigns as $campaign) {
//echo $campaign->{\FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdCampaignFields::ID}.PHP_EOL;
$campaign_insights = new AdCampaign($campaign->{\FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdCampaignFields::ID});
$params = array(
'date_preset' => InsightsPresets::YESTERDAY,
'time_range' => array(
'since' => '2015-08-03',
'until' => '2015-08-03'
'filtering' => array(
'field' => 'campaign.objective',
'operator' => 'IN',
'value' => ["MOBILE_APP_INSTALLS"]
$insights = $campaign_insights->getInsights(array(
), $params);