
This should be very simple, i can not believe that a company the size of Wordpress cannot provide users a very simple way to make line breaks.

I know how to use the text tab and code the page using html (im a developer). However my clients have absolutely no idea what html is so they obviously can not use it.

All the client wants to do is make a "space between lines" , in our terms a break line. They only want to use the visual editor.

Now when they start typing and hit enter, it creates & nbsp; or closes a paragraph tag.

Many articles are saying that shift + enter will make one, however this 100% does not as ive tried.

Ive tried a plugin that most articles are suggesting called "tinymce advanced". But this does not resolve the problem.

Is there any way possible for a normal user with no html knowledge to only use the visual editor and create br lines without actually using code?

I'm also facing same problemImran Saleem

4 Answers


Holding down Shift+Enter definitely works.

Alternatively, you can always prevent Wordpress from automatically adding <p> tags to the markup using the following code inside of your theme's functions.php file:

remove_filter('the_content', 'wpautop');

I had this problem on my site, it began when I updated the theme, which had not been updated for years. The "miraculous" solution was to update all the plugins as well.

I have realized that the

<br / > and the < p >

symbols are not present in the wp editor in text mode So there must be a conversion between \n (newline) and <br / > and < p > taking place, I have not investigated this further, but maybe somebody can explain how WordPress is working.


With the WordPress upgrade to version 3.2, the text editor seems to remove the line break by itself.

Add a filter in the functions.php file which adds a clear attribute to the <br/> tag. When the attribute is added, the <br/> tag is not removed by WordPress.

function clear_br($content){ 
     return str_replace("<br/>","<br clear='none'/>", $content);

Then apply this filter on a variable where you need break should come in that text content

$specification = apply_filters( 'the_content', $specification );

For more info: https://blog.templatetoaster.com/wordpress-line-break-not-working/


This small code fixed my issue.

echo nl2br(category_description( the_content);

Just replace the content tag with this in you file