I am working with a Firefox add-on in which i need a button in the right of a panel for which i am using the float:right
style attribute but when i use this attribute the button aligns right and the text area located under it disappears however when i run the code without the float right attribute the code works fine.
Here is the code where i have used the float right attribute.
<style type="text/css" media="all">
textarea {
margin: 2% 5%;
Email Arrieved
<input type="button" id ="clearall" value="Respond" style="float: right;>
<textarea rows="4" id="edit-box" ></textarea>
Desired output is that i should be that the text with the button should be left align and the button should be right aligned with the text-area located under them.
Am coding for an addon in Firefox so is there some specific function to do this or there is something wrong with the css.