
I created a stock table with the below query

    product_id REFERENCES product ,
    product_name REFERENCES product ,
    color    VARCHAR2(20) ,
    memory   VARCHAR2(20) ,
    in_stock NUMBER(3)

I tried to insert a row into this using the below query:

insert into stock values(8881,'Nexus 4','Black','2GB-16GB',3);

and it is giving ORA-01722: invalid number error , I know why the error comes , but I can't figure out what wrong I have done

product table :

product_id ..number , product_name .. varchar2

adding a pic

enter image description here

just do one thing to find the error : insert into stock values except in_stock ..and let me know if error :)Tharif
insert into stock(product_id , product_name, color , memory) values(8881,'Nexus 4','Black','2GB-16GB') .. it is giving same error invalid numberamol singh
last thing try inserting all except product_idTharif
The create table statement you posted isn't valid syntax. The first two columns are missing data types and the foreign key constraints aren't valid syntax. What is the actual definition of the stock table?Justin Cave
@utility did that ..same error and even tried to add only product_name , color and memory ..still same erroramol singh

2 Answers


product_id is the primary key of product and is a number column. When you define a table

    product_id REFERENCES product ,
    product_name REFERENCES product ,
    color    VARCHAR2(20) ,
    memory   VARCHAR2(20) ,
    in_stock NUMBER(3)

both product_id and product_name are being implicitly defined as number columns that reference the product_id column from product. Since product_name is defined as a number, you can't insert the string "Nexus 4".

It makes no sense to have a product_name column in the stock table. It already exists in the product table which is where it belongs. It violates basic rules of normalization to store the same information in multiple locations. I would strongly suspect that color and memory ought to exist in the product table as well rather than in the stock table.

Your DDL appears to be valid syntax (rather shockingly) but it is very, very unusual. I've been dealing with Oracle for many years and I've never seen anyone create a table this way. It appears to be valid but it's going to throw off anyone that has to support your application after you. It would be much more reasonable to be explicit

    product_id NUMBER REFERENCES product( product_id ) ,
    product_name VARCHAR2(40) , -- This shouldn't be in this table
    color    VARCHAR2(20) , -- Nor should this
    memory   VARCHAR2(20) , -- Nor should this
    in_stock NUMBER(3)

The definition for references says your syntax is invalid: http://psoug.org/definition/REFERENCES.htm.

How does it know which column in products it's meant to match? You need to tell it.

Go to one of the tables you have created using this method and script it out and you will see you need to specify the column. You won't find any creation scripts without a column in the references

Your DDL doesn't match the screenshot. The screenshot has Category_ID and your DDL does not.

If you were runing that sample INSERT statement without a target column list against the table screenshot, that would explain your error.

Never ever code an insert without a target column list. It invites bugs. (not to mention it's makes it look like you're lazy)