
I'm working on a theme that uses ajax for a custom frontend registration form. To this, I am trying to integrate a required checkbox for terms and conditions. However, I am pulling blanks when trying to get the value on whether the checkbox is checked or not. I'm sure it has something to do with how I am using ajax.

My checkbox with name and value set:

<input type="checkbox" name="agreement" value="1" id="agreement">I agree to Terms & Conditions.

I then assign my variables to my ajax form:

function ajax_register_form(){           
        check_ajax_referer( 'register_ajax_nonce','security-register');   
        $user_email  =   trim( $_POST['user_email_register'] ) ;
        $user_name   =   trim( $_POST['user_login_register'] ) ;
        //add checkbox requirement
        $user_agreement   =   trim ( $_POST['agreement'] );

        if (preg_match("/^[0-9A-Za-z_]+$/", $user_name) == 0) {
            print __('Invalid username( *do not use special characters or spaces ) ','wptheme');

Then I set a conditional for my requirement:

    if( $user_agreement  == ''  ) { 
        print __('Please agree to the Terms & Conditions.','wptheme');

The email and username variables work fine. I thought I could just create a conditional that had a value if checked or no value if not checked. However, it always passes as having no value no matter what. I have also tried setting the input value to other things like 'agree" etc..

Any guidance would be helpful.


I think this is the part I am missed as I don't work with ajax a lot I was missing th jquery component. I need to register my variable for the checkbox here also, correct?

function wptheme_register (){
   var  user_login_register =  $('#user_login_register').val(); 
   var  user_email_register =  $('#user_email_register').val(); 
   var  nonce               =  $('#security-register').val();
   var agreement = $('#agreement').val();
   var  ajaxurl             =   control_vars.admin_url+'admin-ajax.php'; 

    type: 'POST', 
    url: ajaxurl,
    data: {
        'action'                    :   'ajax_register_form',
        'user_login_register'       :   user_login_register,
        'user_email_register'       :   user_email_register,
        'security-register'         :   nonce,
        'agreement' : agreement

may b checkbox not inside the <form></form> also put <input type="checkbox" required> and try by removing value="1" also you can try like this if($user_agreement == '0' ), if checkbox not checked, it has value 0Shehary
Thanks. I will give this a try. I just update my question. I think because I wasn't understanding Ajax properly I was missing the jquery component.Work-Together2013
ignore my above comment and add this in ajax var agreement = $('#agreement').val(); after var nonceand in data 'security-register' : nonce, 'agreement' : agreementShehary
Thanks. Hmm. Before, my var to my conditional would always be empty, thus my error message would always pop. Now, it always executes no matter if checked or not. Updated again above.Work-Together2013
I actually tried to add this: ' var agreement = ( $("#answer").is(':checked') ) ? 1 : 0;' to the JS and I thought it would work, but no dice.Work-Together2013

1 Answers


I got this to work, mainly because of Shehary's guidance above and a little tweak.

I set the jquery var to :

var agreement = ( $("#agrement").is(':checked') ) ? 1 : 0;

And my conditional to:

if( $user_agreement  == '0'  )

Thanks Stackoverflow!