I have an app that dials a phone number, gives a set of instructions, and then forwards the call to a specified phone number. Currently when I press the digit to transfer the call it just pauses and hangs up. Not sure what im doing wrong.
This is the initial instructions. If the number 1 is pressed it is supposed to transfer to transfer.xml, which is under # 2.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Response> <Gather timeout="10" action="" numDigits='1' finishOnKey='1'> <Say>"Dummy Text Dummy Text"</Say> <Say>"Please press 1 to transfer this call. Or nothing to hang up."</Say> </Gather> </Response>
If the caller presses #1 then it is supposed to send them to this xml file, and transfer the current call to the number under dial. But currently it just hangs for 2 seconds and drops the call.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Response> <Say>"Transferring you to a court clerk"</Say> <Dial timeout="60" callerID='+14393523419'> <Number>8125277222</Number> </Dial> </Response>
Am I doing something wrong with my xml? Not sure why it is dropping.