I'm very new to Sitecore. I'm running Sitecore 8 (rev. 150621) in local machine. When I check in Experience Profile dashboard there are Profiles created named "Anonymous" and I have created contacts using xDB Contact Creator (Market Place Module). I have some records(visits etc.) under these contacts also.Problem is when I check in Experience Analytics dashboard visits are empty.
I tried Refreshing Executive Dashboard/ Experience Analytics reports, didn't get any result for the Experience Analytics reports.
In my current site I have couple of pages (Items).I have also tried with some personas but no luck.
How ever I can see data is populated in the Analytic Database (Mongo and SQL)
6984 10:09:56 INFO MemoryMonitor initialized. Threshold: 2 GB. Interval: 00:00:05
6984 10:09:57 INFO [Analytics]: Started background service for 'maintenanceService'.
6984 10:09:57 INFO Cache created: 'taxonomy.campaigngroups' (max size: 20MB, running total: 848MB)
6984 10:09:57 INFO Cache created: 'taxonomy.channels' (max size: 20MB, running total: 868MB)
6984 10:09:57 INFO Cache created: 'taxonomy.assets' (max size: 20MB, running total: 888MB)
6984 10:09:57 INFO [Analytics]: Started background service for 'aggregation/aggregator'.
6984 10:09:57 INFO [Analytics]: Started background service for 'aggregation/contactProcessing'.
6984 10:09:57 INFO [Analytics]: Started background service for 'aggregation/cleanup'.
6984 10:09:57 INFO [Analytics]: Started background service for 'aggregation/recovery'.
6984 10:09:57 INFO [Analytics]: Started background service for 'aggregation/rebuildAgent'.
6984 10:09:57 INFO [Analytics]: Started background service for 'aggregation/historyWorker'.
6984 10:09:57 INFO [Analytics]: Started background service for 'aggregation/historyCompletionCheck'.
6984 10:09:57 INFO [Analytics]: Started background service for 'aggregation/automationAggregator'.
6984 10:09:57 INFO [Analytics]: Started background service for 'aggregation/automationRangeManager'.
6984 10:09:57 INFO [Analytics]: Started background service for 'aggregation/automationCleanupService'.
6984 10:09:57 INFO [Analytics]: Automation aggregation SubsystemLoader hook initialized.
6984 10:09:57 INFO [Analytics]: Started background service for 'processing/taskAgent'.
6984 10:09:57 INFO Cache created: 'rules' (max size: 800KB, running total: 889MB)
6984 10:09:57 INFO Cache created: '[FieldReaderCache]' (max size: 5MB, running total: 894MB)
6984 10:09:59 INFO [Analytics]: Started background service for 'pathAnalyzer/newMapAgent'.
6984 10:09:59 INFO [Analytics]: Started background service for 'pathAnalyzer/dailyMapAgent'.
6984 10:09:59 INFO [Analytics]: Started background service for 'pathAnalyzer/smartMergeAgent'.
6984 10:09:59 INFO [Path Analyzer]() Path Analyzer subsystem hook initialized.
6984 10:09:59 INFO [Analytics]: Started background service for 'experienceAnalytics/reduce/agent'.
6984 10:09:59 INFO [Experience Analytics]: ExperienceAnalytics reduce subsystem initialized.
6984 10:09:59 INFO Scheduler - Initializing
6984 10:10:11 INFO [Experience Analytics]: ExperienceAnalytics SegmentInitializer
6984 10:10:11 INFO Cache created: 'ReportDataCache' (max size: 50MB, running total: 2077MB)
ManagedPoolThread #5 10:10:12 INFO Job ended: Sitecore.ListManagement.Analytics.UnlockContactListsAgent (units processed: )
4828 10:10:12 DEBUG [Analytics]: Created new agent instance: 'aggregation/contactProcessing'.
7736 10:10:12 INFO Cache created: 'Task Manager - tasks' (max size: 100 bytes, running total: 2077MB)
9016 10:10:12 DEBUG [Analytics]: Created new agent instance: 'aggregation/historyCompletionCheck'.
7660 10:10:12 DEBUG [Analytics]: Created new agent instance: 'aggregation/automationCleanupService'.
4536 10:10:12 DEBUG [Analytics]: Created new agent instance: 'aggregation/historyWorker'.
7756 10:10:12 DEBUG [Analytics]: Created new agent instance: 'processing/taskAgent'.
8348 10:10:12 DEBUG [Analytics]: Created new agent instance: 'aggregation/automationAggregator'.
6948 10:10:12 DEBUG [Analytics]: Created new agent instance: 'aggregation/aggregator'.
7388 10:10:12 DEBUG [Analytics]: Registered aggregation context for the pool 'live'.
7388 10:10:12 DEBUG [Analytics]: Registered aggregation context for the pool 'live'.
7388 10:10:12 DEBUG [Analytics]: Created new agent instance: 'aggregation/recovery'.
7936 10:10:12 DEBUG [Analytics]: Created new agent instance: 'aggregation/automationAggregator'.
7736 10:10:12 DEBUG [Analytics]: Created new agent instance: 'aggregation/rebuildAgent'.
732 10:10:12 DEBUG [Analytics]: Registered aggregation context for the pool 'live'.
732 10:10:12 DEBUG [Analytics]: Registered aggregation context for the pool 'live'.
732 10:10:12 DEBUG [Analytics]: Created new agent instance: 'aggregation/cleanup'.
4692 10:10:12 DEBUG [Analytics]: Created new agent instance: 'aggregation/automationRangeManager'.
7660 10:10:12 INFO Cache created: 'ReportingStorageProviderProperties.Properties' (max size: 100 bytes, running total: 2077MB)
8452 10:10:12 DEBUG [Analytics]: Created new agent instance: 'aggregation/automationAggregator'.
9016 10:10:12 DEBUG [Analytics]: MongoDbHistoryTaskManager - deactivated history task.
6984 10:10:12 INFO [Experience Analytics]: WebApiInitializer
6984 10:10:12 INFO [Experience Analytics]: Filter (Sitecore.ExperienceAnalytics.Api.Http.Filters.CacheHeaderFilterAttribute) added
6984 10:10:12 INFO Sitecore.Social: The Social remote events are initialized.