I am using beautifulSoup to extract data from website. Text from that website changes everytime you reload your page so basically I wish to be able to set a focus on the class name as a Static variable since the text is Dynamic.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = 'xxxxxxxxxxx'
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser')
class2 = soup.find_all(True, class_="template_title")
print (class2)
which prints out<td align="left" class="template_title" height="50" valign="bottom" width="535"><div style="padding-bottom:9px;">4</div></td>
When the page reloads, I will still have the focus on the area but I do not know how to print only the text (which in this case is : 4)
Once this is figured out, I have another question: If the class contains multiple tags, is there a way to get more static data to be sure it only prints the text I was searching for and not more? ( I have class, but could I use height="50" valign="bottom" width="535" as well?)