I'm trying to define a Foldable instance in Haskell and I have some problem with import.
So first try : module MyList where
import Data.Foldable
data MyList a = MyList [a]
instance Foldable (MyList) where
foldr f b (MyList as) = foldr f b as
Result (normal but annoying)
Ambiguous occurrence `foldr'
So, I guess I have to hide it from the Prelude : module MyList where
import Prelude hiding (foldr)
import Data.Foldable
data MyList a = MyList [a]
instance Foldable (MyList) where
foldr f b (MyList as) = foldr f b as
This compile, I load into ghci and try some basic stuff :
*MyList> foldr (:) "" (MyList "hello")
*MyList> foldl (flip (:)) "" (MyList "hello")
Ambiguous occurrence `foldl'
It could refer to either `Prelude.foldl', imported from Prelude at MyList.hs:4:0-28
or `Data.Foldable.foldl', imported from Data.Foldable at MyList.hs:5:0-19
So foldr works, but foldl doesn't. My first question is
Do I have to hide manually every single method defined in Data.Foldable from the Prelude is their a nice way to do it ?
.To avoid this problem , I tried to do an qualified import : module MyList where
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
data MyList a = MyList [a]
instance F.Foldable (MyList) where
foldr f b (MyList as) = foldr f b as
Seems to compile in ghc but
*MyList> foldr (:) "" (MyList "hello")
Couldn't match expected type `[Char]'
against inferred type `MyList Char'
In the third argument of `foldr', namely `(MyList "hello")'
In the expression: foldr (:) "" (MyList "hello")
In the definition of `it': it = foldr (:) "" (MyList "hello")
foldr is not found but suprisingly F.foldr works in ghci.
*MyList> F.foldr (:) "" (MyList "hello")
But in ghci only, if I'm trying to import MyList in file, foldr, F.foldr, MyList.F.foldr and MyList.foldr doesn't work.
Why does it work in ghci but not in real ?
I guess I have to import Data.Foldable again (and again in every files using MyList)
Is there a better way to do it (like exporting Data.Foldable in MyList) ?
(I'm a newbie in Haskell and especially with modules)
After having a couple of responses, it seems there is no clean solution to this problem. However, I'm pretty sure I'm not the first doing that, so
What is the common practice to deal with that kind of problem?
Thanks for you help.