let consecutive login period
be a period where the user is logged in on all days ( has an entry in A_DailyLogins on every day in period ) where there is no entry in A_DailyLogins immediately before or after the consecutive login period
with the same user
and number of consecutive days
be the difference between the maximum and minumum dates in a consecutive login period
the maximum date of a consecutive login period
has no login entry immediately after ( sequentially ) to it..
the minimum date of a consecutive login period
has no login entry immediately previous ( sequentially ) to it..
- left join
to itself using same user and sequential dates where right is null to find maximums
- analogous logic to find minimums
- calculate row ordering over minimums and maximums with appropriate order by
- join maximums and minimums on row number
- filter where maximum login is yesterday/today
- calculate date_diff between maximum and minimum in range
- left join users to above resultset and coalesce over the case where user does not have a
consecutive login period
ending yesterday/today
| ID | Key | Date |
| 25 | eric | 2015-12-23 |
| 26 | eric | 2015-12-25 |
| 27 | eric | 2015-12-26 |
| 28 | eric | 2015-12-27 |
| 29 | eric | 2016-01-01 |
| 30 | eric | 2016-01-02 |
| 31 | eric | 2016-01-03 |
| 32 | nusa | 2015-12-27 |
| 33 | nusa | 2015-12-29 |
select all_users.`Key`,
coalesce(nconsecutive, 0) as nconsecutive
select distinct `Key`
from A_DailyLogins
) all_users
left join
lower_login_bounds.`Date` as from_login,
upper_login_bounds.`Date` as to_login,
1 + datediff(least(upper_login_bounds.`Date`, date_sub(current_date, interval 1 day))
, lower_login_bounds.`Date`) as nconsecutive
select curr_login.`Key`, curr_login.`Date`, @rn1 := @rn1 + 1 as row_number
from A_DailyLogins curr_login
left join A_DailyLogins prev_login
on curr_login.`Key` = prev_login.`Key`
and prev_login.`Date` = date_add(curr_login.`Date`, interval -1 day)
cross join ( select @rn1 := 0 ) params
where prev_login.`Date` is null
order by curr_login.`Key`, curr_login.`Date`
) lower_login_bounds
inner join
select curr_login.`Key`, curr_login.`Date`, @rn2 := @rn2 + 1 as row_number
from A_DailyLogins curr_login
left join A_DailyLogins next_login
on curr_login.`Key` = next_login.`Key`
and next_login.`Date` = date_add(curr_login.`Date`, interval 1 day)
cross join ( select @rn2 := 0 ) params
where next_login.`Date` is null
order by curr_login.`Key`, curr_login.`Date`
) upper_login_bounds
on lower_login_bounds.row_number = upper_login_bounds.row_number
where upper_login_bounds.`Date` >= date_sub(current_date, interval 1 day)
and lower_login_bounds.`Date` < current_date
) last_consecutive
on all_users.`Key` = last_consecutive.`Key`
| Key | last_consecutive |
| eric | 2 |
| nusa | 0 |
valid as run on 2016-01-03
(timestamp), and every day a player logins it inserts a new row if he didn't login before in that day. I want to get the amount of consecutive days the player logged in (but only the current consecutive days, not others too). – Nistor Constantin