
I'm using LyX, but I guess a solution would be some TeX code. I'm writing a document in English and I want to insert some Hebrew text, but the document encoding doesn't let me. Using Hebrew encoding for the entire document doesn't work as it ruins the TOC, etc. Is there a way to locally change the text's encoding?

You should look at en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Internationalization#Arabic_script I've never written anything in Hebrew, so I wouldn't know how to help you with this.Esteban Küber
If you don't need the advanced microtypography features of pdfTeX, switch to XeTeX which has native Unicode and OpenType support.Philipp

2 Answers


Amir, I would suggest to change ALL de document encoding for some Unicode one - for example, UTF-8. Unicode encodings can support all writing systems. Is it possible? If not, why?


The distribution from http://ivritex.sourceforge.net/ has several examples. Take a look -- one of them must have what you need.