SonarQube - V 5.1.1
MSBuild SonarQube Runner - V 1.0
Resharper Plugin - V 2.0
Csharp Plugin - V 4.1
I am running the commands:
- D:\SonarQube\sonarqube-5.1.1\MSBuild\MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe begin /key:Test6MSBKey /name:Test6MSBProject /version:2.0
- msbuild Test6MSB.sln
- D:\SonarQube\sonarqube-5.1.1\MSBuild\MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe end
All of my resharper errors are skipped, with the following issues being logged to the command window:
10:20:11 PM 22:20:11.013 INFO - Sensor org.sonar.plugins.resharper.CSharpReSharperProvider$CSharpReSharperSensor@1659dbf
10:20:11 PM 22:20:11.013 INFO - Parsing ReSharper report: D:\Chris\Schneider\Projects\SampleCode\Test6MSB\Test6MSB.xml
10:20:11 PM 22:20:11.054 INFO - Skipping the ReSharper issue at line 15 whose
file "D:\Chris\Schneider\Projects\SampleCode\Test6MSB\Test6MSB\Form1.cs" is not
in SonarQube.
10:20:11 PM 22:20:11.054 INFO - Skipping the ReSharper issue at line 16 whose
file "D:\Chris\Schneider\Projects\SampleCode\Test6MSB\Test6MSB\Form1.cs" is not
in SonarQube.
10:20:11 PM 22:20:11.054 INFO - Skipping the ReSharper issue at line 17 whose
file "D:\Chris\Schneider\Projects\SampleCode\Test6MSB\Test6MSB\Form1.cs" is not
in SonarQube.
10:20:11 PM 22:20:11.054 INFO - Skipping the ReSharper issue at line 18 whose
file "D:\Chris\Schneider\Projects\SampleCode\Test6MSB\Test6MSB\Form1.cs" is not
in SonarQube.
10:20:11 PM 22:20:11.054 INFO - Skipping the ReSharper issue at line 19 whose
file "D:\Chris\Schneider\Projects\SampleCode\Test6MSB\Test6MSB\Form1.cs" is not
in SonarQube.
10:20:11 PM 22:20:11.054 INFO - Skipping the ReSharper issue at line 20 whose
file "D:\Chris\Schneider\Projects\SampleCode\Test6MSB\Test6MSB\Form1.cs" is not
in SonarQube.
10:20:11 PM 22:20:11.054 INFO - Skipping the ReSharper issue at line 21 whose
file "D:\Chris\Schneider\Projects\SampleCode\Test6MSB\Test6MSB\Program.cs" is no
t in SonarQube.
10:20:11 PM 22:20:11.054 INFO - Skipping the ReSharper issue at line 22 whose
file "D:\Chris\Schneider\Projects\SampleCode\Test6MSB\Test6MSB\Program.cs" is no
t in SonarQube.
10:20:11 PM 22:20:11.055 INFO - Skipping the ReSharper issue at line 23 whose
file "D:\Chris\Schneider\Projects\SampleCode\Test6MSB\Test6MSB\Properties\Assemb
lyInfo.cs" is not in SonarQube.
10:20:11 PM 22:20:11.055 INFO - Sensor org.sonar.plugins.resharper.CSharpReSha
rperProvider$CSharpReSharperSensor@1659dbf (done) | time=42ms
I'm not sure why the code files are not being put into SonarQube using the MSBuild Runner. Prior to trying to use the MSBuild runner, I was able to successfully use the sonar-runner.bat(v2.4) on a similar solution with the same Resharper plugin and xml created using the resharper command line inspectcode executable and the resharper issues were succesfully added to sonarqube for the solution/project.
However, I noticed that the documentation for the C# 4.1 plugin said that usage of sonar-runner is now deprecated, and to use the MSBuildSonarQube Runner 1.0 to analyze C# projects, however, when I try to use the MSBuildSonarQube Runner, I get the skipping errors as stated above.
to make them easier to find. – Dinesh Bolkensteyn