I'm creating inputs inside a form dynamically. I created this directive for the purpose:
// Generate inputs on the fly using BE data.
.directive('inputGenerator', ['$compile', function ($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
id: '@',
type: '@',
name: '@',
attributes: '=',
ngModel: '=',
ngDisabled: '='
link: function (scope, iElement, iAttrs) {
// Get attributes
var id = iAttrs.id,
type = iAttrs.type,
name = iAttrs.name;
scope.ngModel[name] = {};
var extended_attributes = {
"type": type,
"id": id,
"data-ng-model": 'ngModel.' + name + '[\'value\']',
"name": name,
"data-ng-disabled": "ngDisabled"
if ( ! scope.attributes) {
scope.attributes = {};
// Append extra attributes to the object
angular.extend(scope.attributes, extended_attributes);
// Generate input
var input = '<input ';
angular.forEach(scope.attributes, function (value, key) {
input += key + '="' + value + '" ';
input += '/>';
// Compile input element using current scope (directive) variables
var compiledElement = $compile(input)(scope);
// Set the file selected name as the model value
compiledElement.on('change', function () {
if (this.files && this.files[0].name) {
var that = this;
scope.$apply(function () {
scope.ngModel[name] = {};
scope.ngModel[name]['value'] = that.files[0].name;
// Replace directive element with generated input
This html line will trigger the directive:
<input-generator data-name="{{ item.name }}" data-ng-model="inputs.sources" data-attributes="item.attrs" data-type="{{ item.type }}" data-id="inputFile_{{ $index }}" data-ng-disabled="inputs.sources[item.name].selected" />
I'm running on Angular 1.4.3.
The model and pretty much everything works fine in the directive, but for some reason the form remains valid when the input added is invalid as you can see in this image.
I already tried:
Any of the Angular features of form validation works
I debugged Angular and seems to be that the input attached to the form is different from the input compiled inside the directive.
I already called formName.$setPristine()
after each input was created, but it didn't work.
I couldn't access the form from the directive, but I think is not a good idea either.
I already wrapped the input with a ng-form tag, but nothing useful comes out of that.
I tried to use the directive compile method, but this is just triggered once when the app loads and I've a select input that loads different inputs on change.
Any help on this is much appreciated! :)
Thank you to everyone for contribute anyways!!