When I try to create an external ORC table and provide the location I get this below error. The error seems to be related to tblproperties
. If take out the tblproperties
and run it, it runs fine. However I would then have to use the alter table command to update the tblproperties
to be SNAPPY. Is anyone facing similar issue? I am not sure if there is a JIRA opened if its bug in hive. Any inputs are appreciated. Thanks.
hive (default)> create external table Addresses (
> name string,
> street string,
> city string,
> state string,
> zip int
> ) stored as orc tblproperties ("orc.compress"="SNAPPY")
> LOCATION '/user/abc/address_orc';
FAILED: ParseException line 8:0 missing EOF at 'LOCATION' near ')'
hive (default)>