
I have following privileges CREATE ANY DIRECTORY, read, write on directory DOCS to user_name

I am using oracle 10g on Windows.

I have first created the directory as

CREATE DIRECTORY DOCS AS 'C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\file';

Directory created successfully.

Now when I tried to execute following code

 l_file         UTL_FILE.file_type;
 l_location     VARCHAR2(100) := 'DOCS';
 l_filename     VARCHAR2(100) := 'test.pdf';
 l_text         VARCHAR2(32767);
-- Open file.
 l_file := UTL_FILE.fopen(l_location, l_filename, 'r', 32767);
-- Read and output first line.
 UTL_FILE.get_line(l_file, l_text, 32767);
 dbms_output.put_line('First Line: |' || l_text || '|');
-- Close the file.

I get these errors

ORA-29283: invalid file operation

ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 475

ORA-29283: invalid file operation

ORA-06512: at line 8

do you have access to the directory? check the utl_file_dir database parameterdavegreen100
You have a directory on your desktop named 'file'? Does the Oracle account have access to your home directory?Alex Poole
I have checked the directory exists by select * from dicrectories. @AlexPooleMuhammad Hannan
I'm talking about the operating system directory and operating system account's ability to see it; not the Oracle Directory object. They have to tie up, but Oracle has to be able to access the operating system directory too.Alex Poole
Oracle is its own user (or at least it is in Unix. I don't know precisely how it works in Windows), and you're trying to write into a folder owned by a different user. Create a folder called C:\files\ or something and point your DOCS directory to that.Steven Eccles

1 Answers


i don't have access to oracle on windows, but something like this in you init.ora file


you will then need to restart oracle

you should also be able to do the following (but i've not tested it)

alter system set utl_file_dir=c:\DOCS scope=both