
I'm trying to configure SBO mailer to work with a service email account setup in our Office 365 account. I've tried with a normal gmail account and the mail service works perfectly. However when I apply the same settings and logic with the Office 365 account the mail just remains in the SAP outbox.

I've checked the SAP logs and the Operation completed successfully [Message 200-48] and I dont get much info from the windows event viewer either.

I'm not sure what I'm missing but I have to assume its something from the Office 365 side of things because the SBO mailer service works with a standard gmail account.

Settings I used for the Office 365 account are: smtp: smtp.office365.com port: 587 Encryption method: TLS Username and password have been confirmed and work.

Any help will be hugely appreciated. Thanks B


1 Answers


SBO Mailer doesn't currently support Office 365 / TLS. I have a number of customer wanting this and we've logged it with SAP support, but they haven't given a date for 365/TLS integration with SBO Mailer.

There are a number of suggestions on google, but so far I haven't managed to get any to work. We ended up get one of our developers to build our own mailer that supports Office 365 / TLS.

Hope this helps.