Hello I've just started learning greedy algorithm and I've first looked at the classic coin changing problem. I could understand the greediness (i.e., choosing locally optimal solution towards a global optimum.) in the algorithm as I am choosing the highest value of coin such that the sum+{value of chosen coin}<=total value . Then I started to solve some greedy algorithm problem in some sites. I could solve most of the problems but couldn't figure out exactly where the greediness is applied in the problem. I coded the only solution i could think of, for the problems and got it accepted. The editorials also show the same way of solving problem but i could not understand the application of greedy paradigm in the algorithm.
Are greedy algorithms the only way of solving a particular range of problems? Or they are one way of solving problems which could be more efficient?
Could you give me pseudo codes of a same problem with and without the application of greedy paradigm?