I have a WinRT project based on prism with several pages, usercontrols etc. For some reason I need to bind several views to a single model object accessed by the the viewmodels (each one belonging to a view). The single model object is injected by a Unity container like other objects, that need to be singleton-like as the eventaggregator for instance. To keep things simple I made an example with only one bool variable bound to a checkbox in each view, that should be synchronized over the views. My problem is: When I check the box in the mainpage, the checkbox in a second page is following the value when navigating to that page(UserInpuPage in the example) BUT NOT the checkbox in the UserControl place on the Mainpage. After a debug session I saw the variables in the single model having the right values, but the GUI on the Usercontrol (MyUserControl in the example) is not updated. A Mechanism like GetBindingExpression(...) and then UpdateTarget() like in WPF seems not to exist in the WinRT library. For design reasons (using prism mvvm I don't want to break the concept of the autowire and dynamical instantiation of the vm's) a static context defined in the resources section of the page and/or usercontrol is not what I'm looking for.
How can I achieve the update of the checkbox in the usercontrol with the model the same way as it works for the userinputpage after navigating? Any help would be appreciated.
// Interface mendatory to work with Unitiy-Injection for RegisterInstance<ISingletonVM>(...)
public interface ISingletonVM
bool TestChecked{ get; set; }
public class SingletonVM : BindableBase, ISingletonVM
bool _testChecked = false;
public bool TestChecked
return _testChecked;
SetProperty(ref _testChecked, value);
This is the relevant code in the viewmodels (same for every vm, but vm from usercontrol in this case):
class MyUserControlViewModel : ViewModel
private readonly ISingletonVM _singletonVM;
public MyUserControlViewModel(ISingletonVM singletonVM)
_singletonVM = singletonVM;
public bool TestChecked
return _singletonVM.TestChecked;
_singletonVM.TestChecked = value;
Relevant XAML code fragments for the three views:
<prism:VisualStateAwarePage x:Name="pageRoot" x:Class="HelloWorldWithContainer.Views.MainPage"...>
<StackPanel Grid.Row="2" Orientation="Horizontal">
<ctrl:MyUserControl ></ctrl:MyUserControl>
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding TestChecked, Mode=TwoWay}" Content="CheckBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
<prism:VisualStateAwarePage x:Name="pageRoot"
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding TestChecked, Mode=TwoWay}" Content="CheckBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="440,190,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
x:Class="HelloWorldWithContainer.Views.MyUserControl" prism:ViewModelLocator.AutoWireViewModel="True"
<CheckBox Content="CheckBox" IsChecked="{Binding TestChecked, Mode=TwoWay}" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="282"/>