
I have followed the steps that you have mentioned in this blog. For the base dn they have given something like 'Base DN - dc=,dc=', but I gave something like 'ecompany.local'. Since I am not the admin of the ldap, I gave the principal as the my ldap id and credentials my ldap password . When I clicked on test connection, I got the popup window that shows "Liferay has successfully connected to the LDAP server" .

Next, I followed the steps regarding Authentication Search Filter, Import search filter and User Mapping. But when I Clicked on test ldap users, popup window showed that there are no users currently(this might be because I do not have the ldap admin credentials. )

SAVED the configuration.

Went to control panel --> Authenticaion --> LDAP, checked enabled, import enabled and import on start up enabled.

Restarted the server.

Clicked on sign in. Fed in the ldap login credentials, and I am not able to login using the ldap credentials. But can login using Liferay's id and password. Why?


1 Answers


One thing to be sure is that the password encryption rule is setup right for your LDAP server.

In portal.properties you can read this:

# Set either bind or password-compare for the LDAP authentication method.
# Bind is preferred by most vendors so that you don't have to worry about
# encryption strategies.

# Set the password encryption to use for comparing passwords during import
# and to use for encrypting passwords during export. Comparing passwords
# during import will only be used when the property "ldap.auth.method" is
# set to password-compare. If the encryption is set to NONE, which is the
# default value, passwords are considered as plain text. The SHA-512
# algorithm is currently unsupported.