I am struggling with following exercise:
Here is a table for the part of data. The first dependent drop-down should belong to annealing (lets say this is the first dropdown) and the second one should be dynamic for material.
I've heard it is possible with function:
Offset, Index, Match, Offset, Counta, but I am unable to finish and close this function in 250 characters as formula to use dropdown list. The second thing that there should be visible only what is below material for specific material, there should not be any blanks.
Here is the example how does it look like, but it has to be enriched to work properly. I presume - by one offset: =Offset(Idex(A:B;Match(D9;A:B;0));1;Countblank(Match(D9;A:B;0)))
What is more, there should not be indirect formula, because the range of names got used somewhere else, so it's highly recommended to avoid.
As excel formula, no macros please just to keep it simple.
Could you help me with it?
Please let me know if something is not clear.