
I am using solr4.7. I have created a new core by copying "collection1(default example provided by solr)" to different name say "wiki" and updated core.properties with new name. Hence new core is visible at solr admin panel.

After starting solr, I am trying to import the data to new core like below.

$ java -jar post.jar ../../../enwiki-20150602-pages-articles1.xml -Durl='http://localhost:8983/solr/#/wiki/update'

SimplePostTool version 1.5
Posting files to base url http://localhost:8983/solr/update using content-type application/xml..
POSTing file enwiki-20150602-pages-articles1.xml
SimplePostTool: WARNING: No files or directories matching -Durl=http:/localhost:8983/solr/#/wiki/update
1 files indexed.
COMMITting Solr index changes to http://localhost:8983/solr/update..
Time spent: 0:00:03.671

I also tried

$ java -jar post.jar ../../../enwiki-20150602-pages-articles1.xml

But still while querying at solr admin panel I am not getting any data.So my question is if data has been indexed then why I can't see it. Where exactly I am doing wrong.

try to search for q=*:* and check if your updates are been reflected...Abhijit Bashetti
Already tried. But still not getting.Gaurav Pant
ok so that means the data is not been indexed....You need to check for the new core whether its been updated properly or not...Abhijit Bashetti
you said when you search with q=*:* and get nothing in the result that indicates it didn't indexed the data in the core you are searching...so updates are not happening the right core...Abhijit Bashetti
I don't think you need the # in the URL.Yann

1 Answers


Not sure this has been resolved.

I had the exact same problem. You need to specify the path/location of where your file to be ingested is located.

C:\test-solr>java -Durl=http://localhost:8983/solr/testdemo/update -Dtype=text/csv -jar C:/test-solr/exampledocs/post.jar "C:\test-solr\exampledocs\ingestMeFile.csv"