
I could not stop the arangodb server in arangodb docker container.

when I execute below one,

$/etc/init.d/arangod stop

$service arangodb status

  • arangod is not running

But I could still connect arangodb server using arangosh.

I don't know why this is happening , Any help?


2 Answers


ArangoDB is now available via the Docker library

The ArangoDB 2.8.x docker container will only run the ArangoDB service alone.

you can use

docker ps -a 

to get the container ID (and its started/stopped state), which you then can use with

docker start <container ID>


docker stop <Container ID>

to start/stop the ArangoDB server.

docker exec -it <Container ID> bash

can give you a shell inside of that running container, but the user is not privileged to start or stop the service.


Using the ArangoDB web interface select the support option from the left. Then select the "Rest API" tab and scroll down to the "/_admin/shutdown" option. On the right of this click on the "Initiate shutdown sequence" link. This opens an area that has a button labeled "Try it out!". Pressing this button will shut down your server.

I am using the V3.2.4 Community Edition.