I'm implementing deferred rendering/shading for the very first time I ran into some problems which I'm having trouble to solve on my own :/.
When rendering the geometry pass and deferred pass together I get this wierd looking output
I'm using a green clear color in the beginning of my deferred pass before setting topology, input layout etc.. So that's where the green comes from. I'm not sure why the output image is split in half though.
My main problem is however successfully passing the render targets from my geometry pass as shader resource views to my deferred shader. This is the result from my geometry shader
So judging by the output image I've seen to managed the transform to the correct space right?
In my geometry pass I set my render targets
ID3D11RenderTargetView* renderTargetsToSet[] = { mGBuffers[0]->RenderTargetView(),
mGBuffers[3]->RenderTargetView() };
mDeviceContext->OMSetRenderTargets( NUM_GBUFFERS, renderTargetsToSet, mDepthStencilView );
In the deferred pass I set them as shader resource views
ID3D11ShaderResourceView* viewsToSet[] = { mGBuffers[0]->mShaderResourceView,
mGBuffers[3]->mShaderResourceView };
mDeviceContext->PSSetShaderResources( 0, 4, viewsToSet );
In my deferred shader I register them
Texture2D worldPosTexture : register( t0 );
Texture2D normalTexture : register( t1 );
Texture2D diffuseTexture : register( t2 );
Texture2D specularTexture : register( t3 );
And sample them
float3 worldPosSample = worldPosTexture.Sample( samplerState, input.texCoord ).xyz;
float3 normalSample = normalTexture.Sample( samplerState, input.texCoord ).xyz;
float3 diffuseSample = diffuseTexture.Sample( samplerState, input.texCoord ).xyz;
float3 specularSample = specularTexture.Sample( samplerState, input.texCoord ).xyz;
To get the exact same output that the geometry pass gave I write
return float4( worldPosSample, 1.0f );
But all I get is that black and green split image that I posted.
To debug this I put some if-statements that return a color if one of elements in a float3 sample was 0.0f and ALL of the elements are 0.0f!
Am I really setting the gbuffer render targets as shader resource views correctly?
My understanding was that when a gbuffer contains an ID3D11ShaderResourceView* and an ID3D11RenderTargetView* and the ID3D11Texture2D*, used for creating both, is created with the D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET | D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE bind flag that when the render target view is used, then its content is automatically "copied" to the gbuffer shader resource view which later can be used as input in a shader.
Feel free to correct me and/or broaden my horizons on the subject. Any suggestions on my problem? Thank you!