I'm trying to get two physicsBody, that are already in contact with each other (in fact they overlap because physicBody.collisionCategory = 0; for both physicsBody's), to restart/re-register/re-trigger their contact, on command. I've been unable to do this even though I tried to get body1 to move by one pixel within body2 to re-trigger the contact. I've also deleted one of the physicsBody's & re-instantiated it several seconds after that to re-trigger the contact. But nothing works. Is there some sort of method or technique to restart the contact process while both bodies are already in contact?
So, to make things a little clearer:
1) SpriteHuman walks onto SpritePanel.
2) -(void)didBeginContact:(SKPhysicsContact *)contact registers the contact.
3) I call a method that starts step 2 again, while SpriteHuman doesn't move and is still contacting SpritePanel.
? It returns all the physics bodes that are currently in contact with a node's physics body. – 0x141E