I'm trying to add hyperlinks to tasks created from emails that I have moved to another folder.
The goal is to have the task contain a hyperlink to the Outlook item that was moved to a "Processed Email" folder".
I don't understand how to move a MailItem and then get its new EntryID after it moves.
The "naive" way doesn't work. After using the Move method to move a MailItem object, the EntryID property does not reflect a change in ID.
Creating a hyperlink to an Outlook item using the format outlook:<EntryID>
is easy enough if the Outlook item remains in the Inbox, since I can just get the EntryID of the object that I am linking to. However, Outlook changes the EntryID when an object is moved.
I want to understand how to get the updated ID so that I can construct an accurate link.
The message boxes show the EntryID property of objMail returns the same value despite the fact that the object has moved. However, running a separate macro on the mail in the destination folder confirms that the EntryID has changed with the move.
Sub MoveObject(objItem As Object)
Select Case objItem.Class
Case olMail
Dim objMail As MailItem
Set objMail = objItem
MsgBox (objMail.EntryID)
Dim inBox As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Set inBox = Application.ActiveExplorer().Session.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox)
Dim destFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Set destFolder = inBox.Folders("Processed Email")
If (Application.ActiveExplorer().CurrentFolder.Name <> destFolder.Name) Then
objMail.Move destFolder
End If
MsgBox (objMail.EntryID)
End Select
End Sub